Cooking ebooks

Do you love to cook?  Below  are some of the  most interesting cooking books that you can teach yourself with.  Feel  free  to make a purchase for  the best  recipes.

Discover Healthy world of green smoothies MMR $12.00 It come with an eBook, 10 Articles, and 3 audios.
100 Christmas Recipes $3.50 Tells you how to make 100 Christmas recipes
Cake decorating made easy PLR $2.50 Teaches you how to decorate cakes in simple ways
Cook Fish like a chef PLR $3.50 Teaches how to cook fish like a chef
Cooking mastery guide MMR $12.00 It comes with the eBook, a WP theme, banner and images
Learn to make sushi at home MMR $12.00 It come with the eBook 10 articles and three audios
Simple weight loss recipes MMR $ 3.75 It comes with an eBook, an article and images
Jewish cookery exposed PLR $ 3.25 It comes with an eBook and six graphics